The submissions window for 25-26 admissions to Reception is now closed. 
For more information on applying for a primary school, please refer to the Medway Council website here

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The TSAT Governance Model is different to the way a governing body in a non-academy or traditional school undertakes governance.

Essentially, there are three elements to the governance of the TSAT academies; local governance which is delivered via the Academy Governing Board (AGB), a Regional Review and Assurance Board (RAB) which ensures local governance is effective, and the Thinking Schools Academy Trust Board of Directors.

There is an Academy Governing Board for each school (or small cluster of schools) which consists of a group 8-11 governors made up of the Headteacher, Parents, Staff, Trust link staff and Community members who are appointed with the skills needed to fulfil the responsibilities of the AGB. Governors are elected for a term of 4 years and meet a minimum of 6 times a year. 

The key responsibilities of the Academy Governing Body are to:

• Hold Academy leadership to account for schools’ academic performance, quality of care and provision;

• Ensure the Trust’s vision, policies and priorities are delivered within the Academy;

• Oversee and monitor the effectiveness of local strategies and implementation of the School Improvement Plan 

• Ensure consideration is given to stakeholder voices in strategic decision making and policy setting

• Have involvement in the performance management of the Headteacher via the AGB Chair’s inclusion in annual professional growth reviews.


The AGB Members for New Horizons Children's Academy are:

Name and RoleMemberLink RoleStart of Term Business InterestEnd of Term
ChairLee RoundSafguarding & Attendance; SEND & Equality; EYFS01/09/2024  
HeadteacherAlice Early 01/09/2024  
Parent MemberGurtej (Paul) GillCurriculum, Enrichment, STEM, Digital & Careers01/09/2024  
Parent MemberMatthew ForemanRisk & Compliance01/09/2024  
Parent MemberHannane FordParental Engagement, Pupil Engagement,Marketing and Communications01/09/2024  
Community MemberNyashadzaishe ChidumeSEND & Equality01/09/2024  
Community MemberKaren BarkerRecruitment, Workload, Diversity & Well Being01/09/2024  
Community MemberPeter MartinPupil Premium01/09/2024  
Staff MemberJuanita BaconPupil Premium01/09/2024  
Staff MemberMagdalena PinkosCurriculum, Enrichment, STEM, Digital & Careers01/09/2024  
Trust MemberDan HighPupil Premium ;Risk & Compliance01/09/2024