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Leading Parent Partnership Award

New Horizons Children’s Academy is proud of its working relationships with parents and carers. A parent’s involvement in their child’s learning really does make a difference and we are committed to giving our parents the tools and support that they need to help their child to achieve their full potential.

In April 2018, we were officially accredited with the Leading Parent Partnership Award by Prospects Education. The Leading Parent Partnership Award is a national award that provides us with a valuable framework for continuing school improvement and also gives us recognition for our commitment to working with parents and carers.

The Leading Parent Partnership Award gives schools a coherent framework to deliver effective parental engagement:

  • Transition – Support parents as their children transition through or between schools.
  • Participation – Include all groups of parents in supporting their children’s learning and developing their own learning.
  • Communication – Take steps to ensure that the school is a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents.
  • Guidance – Provide clear and accessible guidance to help parents support their children’s learning and development.
  • Induction – Provide clear guidance on the responsibilities of parents, school and pupils, and share this information with parents as a key part of the induction process.
  • Home–school links – Produce parent-friendly policies to establish effective home–school links.

You can find more information about the award at

Quotes from the report written by the verifier:

“The online portfolio was very well organised and very detailed. It contained a wide range of evidence about parent partnership.“

“In addition to the portfolio evidence, the tour provided an insight into some of the Academy’s many successes.“

“The LPPA has contributed to several areas of school improvement over the last couple of years.“

“The learning environment that was previously regarded by parents as being dull now is full of colourful displays of pupils’ work right across the Academy.“

“The Academy recognises that induction for those pupils who join at the start of the academic year differs considerably from those who join during the year.“

“Pupils were keen to express their approval about having their parents coming in to school to participate in learning sessions with them. Pupils also appreciated the input that their school council has.“

“Parents and Governors value the various initiatives that have been put in place to strengthen parent partnership. Governors value being kept informed about all issues affecting parents.“