The submissions window for 25-26 admissions to Reception is now closed. 
For more information on applying for a primary school, please refer to the Medway Council website here

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Thinking Healthily

Thinking Healthily’ teaches our children to be their best self through the knowledge skills and understanding of how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy.

Children use their learning to make healthily choices and demonstrate the ability to know how their choices impact on themselves and the people around them.

  • Children access a wide range of physical activities throughout the school day. They take an active role in PE and understand the importance of physical exercise on both their physical and mental health.
  • Through a mindfulness approach of PSHE, children develop the skills of calm contemplation, togetherness and reflection. They explore aspects of themselves, dreams/goals and relationships.
  • Curriculum time is provided for children to learn about the use of modern technology; using the developments in communication to keep themselves healthy
  • At a time of unparalleled material wealth in our society we are also seeing historically high levels of poor mental health in our students. It is, therefore, essential to support our students to have a realistic perspective on their lives locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Through a planned enrichment offer, we broaden life experiences providing children with experiences that develop their cultural capital.

Continue through our Thinking Journey: