The submissions window for 25-26 admissions to Reception is now closed. 
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Thinking about Thinking

‘Thinking about Thinking’ teaches our children to be their best self through the knowledge skills and understanding of how to be an active thinker.

Thinking tools are used to enable children to control and structure their thinking. Children will use a range of tools through a progressive structure, increasing their knowledge, skills and understanding of how the tools aid and develop their thinking.

Throughout all aspects of school life, including the curriculum, children develop effective dispositions to be proficient learners according to their developmental ability. Through thinking about thinking children will be prepared for the next pathway that they choose.

  • Evidence suggests that we spend approximately half of our waking time working in a habitual mode – i.e. we are not consciously “thinking” about what we are doing we are simply responding to stimuli in a habitual manner. Teaching effective habits for learning will provide our children with secure, reliable techniques to be successful
  • Therefore, it is essential to support children to take charge of their habits so that they are able to be their best selves rather than trapped by their unconscious habitual selves.
  • Many children aspire to improve but do not know how. Our children often need support with segmenting essential information from other information to focus on the acquisition of knowledge.

It is essential to support our children to understand how they can achieve their desired goals. How they can make informed choices to achieve success with their endeavours.

Continue through our Thinking Journey: