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New Horizons gets Cooking!

May 3, 2022 02:52pm

Our excellent catering provider, Chartwells, have been undertaking a number of workshops across the school in recent weeks, providing the children with the opportunity to make and eat a number of tasty treats!

We have been holding cooking courses for Year 1 to 6 this year, run by Chartwells, the excellent team who provide catering services across all schools in our Trust. Last term, the sessions were based on each of the year groups’ termly topics; most recently, the children made their own gingerbread men, which they very much enjoyed eating!

These excellent courses offer a great chance for students to develop their skills and broaden their horizons, and are part of our Trust aim of transforming life chances by providing our students with a range of exciting opportunities. Thank you very much to Chartwells for their hard work in running our cooking courses!