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Art Day Activities

January 16, 2023 02:41pm

During Art Day, children in Years 1 and 5 complete Arts Council Awards.

On Monday 16th January 2023, students from New Horizons Children’s Academy took part in a number of creative activities. Children in Year 1 completed their Arts Award Discover Award, and children in Year 5 completed their Arts Award Explore Award, both of which are formal qualifications with the Arts Council England.

The Arts Award Discover is the launch-pad of the Arts Award qualifications, designed for children aged 5 and above. Through this award, the students have been exploring the arts all around them, researching different artists, developing their knowledge and understanding of the arts, and investigating different art forms. The award encourages children’s creativity, curiosity, and confidence, boosting their communication skills through discussing their discoveries with their peers.

The Arts Award Explore inspires children to experience different art forms and artists and to develop their own style and creativity. Throughout the award, students record their achievements and reflections to share with their classmates. They build their artistic knowledge, creativity, and confidence. To complete the qualification, the children research a range of genres, art organisations and creators, and they develop their communication skills and make full use of their imagination through their art.

During Arts Day, Year 1 students identified a wide variety of art forms by going on a discovery walk around the school building and conducting their own research. Following this, the children explored the alternative art form of "marbling" and learned about the work and significance of Yayoi Kusama, creating their own artwork inspired by the style of this artist.

Year 5 experimented with "wax resistant" art and "charcoal sketching". These are alternative art forms outside of what is offered in the national curriculum. The students researched the artist Keith Haring and created their own artwork inspired by the style of this artist. The students then used their knowledge and understanding gained throughout the qualification to create a final piece of art.

The day ended with children critically analysing their own work and the work of their peers. The students' completed Art Award Booklets are being sent to Trinity College London to be moderated for the children to achieve and receive their certificates and qualifications.